Barbara King - Paintings

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Content of this website is the sole property of Barbara King.  Copyright Barbara King


The Four Seasons



These are some of my wild flower paintings on canvas including a group of four to represent the seasons.  Where there is more than one flower/plant, these are contemporaneous and companions that would be found together in their local habitat.

Each canvas is set in a white frame which adds between 8cm to 10cm in each direction    

Wild Flowers paintings on canvas 50 cm x 70 cm

Autumn Hedgerow with Wild Carrot, Rosehips, Elderberry and Blackberries; Daisies; White Campion and Mallow

             Barleycorn           Summer fields with Wheat   Spring Shoots, Gold & Green

Spring Verge with Cow Parsley, White Nettles, Daisies and Dandelions; Golden Summer with Yarrow and Scabious; Autumn Sunset with Ground Elder; Frosty Silver Winter Morning


