Barbara King - Paintings

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Content of this website is the sole property of Barbara King.  Copyright Barbara King


Marjoram & Scabious; Time Stands Still - Dandelion Clock; Reds & Golds of Autumn; Ribwort Plantain and Wild Basil; Scabious & Wild Basil; Pink & White Yarrow with Daisies

 About to Blow; Poppies in a Field; Seed Heads; Through the Cracks; Poppies thistles: August Field Ragwort;Autumn Gold  

Meadow Cranesbill, Vetch and Elder; Dandelions, Daisies and Buttercups; Rosebay Willowherb with Meadow Cranesbill and Creeping Thistles;  Poppies, Thistles and Ground Ivy, Meadow Cranesbill with Cow parsley    

Time Stands Still; Meadow Cranesbill, Cowparsley and Elder


This is a selection of wild flower paintings on paper.  Impressions of wild flowers mainly in their original settings, loosely described and set in glazed frames with white mounts.

The paintings vary in size from 15cm to 50cm and frames are either black, beechwood, grey  or white.    Please ask to see others in the style and size you like including shots with frames.

Wild Flowers paintings on paper




